I'm not even going to dignify this with a response

Friday, September 28, 2007

The tequila is wearing off

My ever-so-exciting night included a bath for one of my cats and dish washing. I love Friday nights alone. Not that I'm one to want to go out and do anything, most of the time. When I'm not on the prowl for men, I'm pretty happy to stay at home and watch DVDs or read by myself.

And I'm going to test my brand new vibrator later tonight. I tried it when I got it on Wednesday night and I wasn't too thrilled, so we'll see. Last night, the boy was actually in Columbus, so I used him instead. Since he's basically been gone 2/3 of the time, I think the Eager Beaver and I will be well-acquainted very quickly.

I really do miss that brand-new relationship thing where you have sex three or four times a day. Or possibly more, if you don't have anything else to do. I miss lazy summer days, where you don't have anything else to do, and you have a really hot guy, so you just have sex all day. I'd like a day just devoted to sitting around, not doing anything, and having sex a few times. When was the last time Scott and I both had the same day off? It's been a long time.

At least he's more affectionate when it's cooler. I miss physical contact sometimes.

Too bad the tequila is wearing off.


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