I'm not even going to dignify this with a response

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Men are so moody sometimes. Especially when tired. I think women understand what men feel when we PMS, because men do it too. Male PMS. It's a known phenomenon.

But having to wait outside of an apartment building while a certain someone locks you out and then proceeds to take a shower is mighty irritating.

Good thing he apologized, or things might have gotten uglier than they did.

Anyway, after being with the bastard for over a year, I do realize when he's being pissy because he's tired, but it can be difficult to let it go and let him just be pissy. I don't like pissy Scott. I like happy smiley cute Scott.

I always end up staying up late when I have to be at work at 7am. I just can't fall asleep, so it's either play around on the internet or toss and turn. I'm really just dreading work tomorrow, for some reason. I want a very long break. A vacation of sorts. That would be wonderful. Especially if there were a beach involved.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Unfortunately Short

I am so fucking irritated with life! The cats won't freaking stop fighting, now that I'm home, the Red Wings lost...things aren't necessarily going the right way right now. I need a vacation, stat. I haven't had more than a couple days off in about nine months. I am just not of the right makeup to work that much-I'd rather be poor and sane, than rich and stressed all to hell. Which is why I plan on marrying rich, so I can be rich and sane. I'm going to have my cake and eat it too, I promise you.

So the plan is to stay with Scott, and encourage him to get a bigger and better job, because considering how much he's making in his first job out of college, it shouldn't be much of a step up, really. I'll never be able to make that much grooming dogs. I make a fucking pittance, if you consider how much work I do. Ever see 10 chickens running around with their heads cut off? That's what it's like at work on Saturday. Occasionally, a loud, primal scream is necessary to facilitate sanity. It really feels good.

Scott and I saw a very sweet Irish Setter while we were at the park jogging. We were finished and just walking another lap around, and she just rolled over and begged me to pet her. Irish Setters are so beautiful-tall with a long, square muzzle and a nice shiny red coat. They're gorgeous, graceful animals.

Speaking of Scott, he's being sweet now, which is great because he was pretty jerky last week. I do realize I am self-conscious and I need at least a bit of reassurance in a relationship, but he was giving me nothing. I can't go a whole week with him just looking at me from across the room and continue to believe that he thinks I'm attractive or fun to hang out with. And, although we've been together for almost a year now, he's is still quite good at making me feel insecure. He's much better now, though. Male PMS? It's a common phenomenon. I got mine this weekend, though.

Working all next weekend too, which is just lovely. It's lovely for my paycheck, I suppose. Maybe not quite that lovely for my sanity.